For legal entities

We offer cooperation to wholesale customers!

Purchase directly from the manufacturer without intermediaries. Depending on volumes, we offer mutually beneficial purchase prices and options.


By cooperating with us, you will be able to get favorable prices for both yourself and your customers.


Possibility to buy products with post-payment.


Delivery to the customer using a courier service or picking up the goods from our warehouse in Riga.

 White label

Production and packaging of our products with your brand is possible!

Production samples

We provide product samples for testing and offer consultations on products.


We constantly replenish the stock of goods in the warehouse, which ensures the opportunity to get the desired product immediately.

Order quantity

Since we produce ourselves and keep the product stocks in the warehouse, there is no minimum order quantity for our existing wholesale customers

All unclear questions about cooperation opportunities, product range and prices can also be clarified by contacting us - we are one phone call or e-mail away!

Phone: +371 22167888;  +371 25153318
E-mail: [email protected]